Tuesday 11th December 1984
And I put the 12th on my Maths paper! I have done my back in. On the way home I kept thinking it would collapse on me but apart from some close shaves it didn't. Maths was relatively hard. Challenging is the word. I can just about talk to Rachel. * The old - very old, in fact - classic song "Dance" but previously called "Timing and precision" - has been brought into "Dance", a song about girls and discos which has been a lyric for a long time. ** I feel like sending my horrible Stanwell Xmas card to Bartlett anonymously, writing the message "This is all your fault" on it. I think I've just titled this book Latin tomorrow. I hate Latin with the intensity that I hate certain people in school. *** I should really be writing The Teacher Files. I should really be writing my play. I should really be doing revision. But instead I'm playing "Ralf and Florian" relatively loud. This seems like a very good time to say "End of book...