Friday 16th November 1984

Oh dear 1.

Outside school this morning, for no apparent reason, Beverly shouted out "Jackie Whitehouse" and I stared at her.

After school I was walking away from Beverly, Alison and the "lovers" when Bev shouted out for me to turn around. I turned round and Bev was pointing at Jackie. I said "No way, Bev". I walked with Jackie later and didn't dare say anything to her.*

Oh dear 2

Almost everyone in the school followed my instructions from yesterday. To add to my embarrassment, Mulrooney cut the picture out and stuck it on her notice board in the computer room. I therefore publicly proclaimed the photo to be terrible.


My glasses shaded over at lunchtime and Newton and I wandered around school. By the Junior Bloc a kid said "Oh, dark glasses to look cool, is it?" I ignored him. As I entered the Old Bloc I walked into solid black. Ha ha ha.

I chewed gum throughout the afternoon and nobody noticed.


Newton was impressed by IBM T3 and T4. 

Howard is trying to make me forget Rachel. Oh really I can't get her out of my head.

Songs of the week, or rather... playlist.

"New Gold Dream" - Simple Minds LP
"Talking loud and clear" - OMD 12" single
"Romance of the telescope" - OMD
"Your silent face" - New Order


I really asked for it in Bk 12 about the play and Jackie as Debbie. It's all my fault. I blame me.


I should be doing revision but I just can't. I feel really tired / depressed / foolish because of late nights / the "lovers" / nothing in particular ** .Oh dear. This means... I've done this before. In fact most of this book is repetitive and boring. ***



* That must have been an entertaining walk home. She lived on Forrest Road around the corner from me so I could walk her home. Not that I was walking her home. But we walked. To her home. Awkwardly not talking. 

** Not sure if this is a conscious or unconscious quote from "How soon is now?" 

*** Yeah it's repetitive and boring for you, imagine how repetitive and boring it is for us forty years on.


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